Programmed Authenticity (Relationship)

The core of everything and anything is ‘Relationship’!

How can anything function if the variables are not allowed the program of authenticity?

Being loaned the hands of a quick fix can not puncture a digit that will respond to pressure.

The height of invaluable measures is being dawned in a time of deception and selfish motive.

When one cancels the logic that nature is derived from, the mono cause of its life becomes drowned in poisoned fluids.

If not for the alive veins of study and codes, we are given the software bypassed by endless paradigms.

The absurdity of blood thickens as the result is caused by the cut of a familiar knife…..

Expectations and obligations, all inside the entrance to negation. Negative, WAIT………….

S T O P.


It’s true for you this is the gospel in and through.
What I don’t understand is how someone who is in a relationship with you, can disrespect you even when they know the flow of your relationship. It’s the ultimate betrayal, to have someone ignore, the very essence of who you are, in the name of ‘Freedom’. How could you really be that free, to disrespect someone when you claim to know them? If it’s a stranger, it makes more sense, and the offense isn’t taken as much. AT least for me, I’m not necessarily shaken up when someone attacks me. It does not mean the intent and perception of my action is ignored, because obviously it still matters, but it does not hit home as much unless it’s someone who claims to have a friendship with me. It seems insane that someone can constantly attack the person you are, even when they are aware of it.

If you wish to be an iconoclast, simply because you ignored the endogenous machinery of relationship, THAT only reflects poorly on your insight.