Accidental Racists (Languid Depravity)

This ‘America’ WE have come to accept; IS created PRIMARILY by immigrant culture. BE it, the English, who fled the KING, the Chinese who built the railroads, the Africans who created the White House, and created the first almanac, or Latin America who has landscaped and constructed our buildings. Besides; not even acknowledging, the genocide of the masses of indigenous people. To imply America is a ‘WHITE NATION’ implies, those white people, single handily BUILT this nation, and that, the same laws, which primarily benefited Whites in the past, still apply. NONSENSE, if people defend this theory, it throbs racism! We should NEVER FORGET THE PAST BUT NEVER DWELL ON IT EITHER. SO ALL, I am ranting on to say is that WE HAVE ALL DONE SOMETHING to make this ‘America’ of ours.

I speak on this as well, as this situation is very languid.

Languid Depravity

While my mind sprinkles desire; it begs for the oceans to silently roam its four corners.
While pleading its sincerity; it is soon given a sinister response.
The health of my consciousness is driven by images of honest realities.
As they present themselves to me; I hear the wonder of fulfillment as it meets the eyes of ability.
While looking at the framework of how life is positioned; a glimpse at my own value is considered.
How depraved I really am; if not by the renewal of study I am given to.
Once the seeds are planted; their propensity to grow is built on the unification of all the elements working to complete a yielding and accomplishment.
But are we to assume once the variable is reached; that its focus will deteriorate due to its handicapped nature?
Or are we the ones losing our identity because our building will be far more complicated than usual?
The depravity of our hearts has manifested on the approach of predetermined research given an answer to such dilemmas.
Seeking to undermine the potential and the resolute pronunciations of skill by the guesses of our injected theories.
How many accidents, does it take for it to appear as intentional?